Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Something Borrowed

The cheapest and most effective way to keep your clothes shopping at a minimum  is to have a best friend. This beautiful Brandy Melville skirt is straight out of her (being Mikaela) closet. At the end of the day if an article of my clothing is missing I know its somewhere in her closet. We share a wardrobe. This fall has been on the warmer side, it's hard to believe its November. With the work schedule like mine, I've been planning my outfits at night while I can't sleep. Its almost uncanny how much a bad outfit can throw your day off. These boots were a killer deal I found. DSW is a great place to find shoes that usually you can't find anywhere else. These were the last pair and they were a whopping $40.00! Who can beat that? Well Happy Wednesday everyone, the weekend fast approaches!
Shirt: The Gap
Skirt: Brandy Melville
Boots: DSW
Jacket: American Eagle
Socks: Misc.
Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Dreamin' of Paisley's

 Well I feel as though every other post I'm wearing shorts. I'm telling you, I have such a hard time giving them up. Well over the last two weeks I did three great things. I bought this amazing paisley kimono, I got a sunflower tattoo, and I bought the new Taylor Swift album 1989. My life has been so hectic. Between working pretty much full time to finding time to sleep, its like I can't catch a break. On the plus side this kimono was a whopping $9.98. The way I measure money is impractical, its in the amount of coffee's I could buy with that money. I think "well for ten dollars I could buy almost 4 coffees". It's really a problem, my addiction to coffee, but its definitely worth it. Paisley's are extremely in, so much so that I have a tattoo on my shoulder of a very large paisley. They were infamous starting as early in the twenty's on men's ties and suit jackets. They've grown to be a much more popular pattern.  The paisley I have permanently tattooed on my body resembles a tear that has been made beautiful by all the pain I have endured in my life. The beach was a great place to breath this day.  On a side note the new Taylor Swift album is so heartfelt and edgy and yes I did get a new tattoo. Sunflower's are my favorite flower and my Mom's. Hope you all have a great week.

Shirt: Gap
Shorts: American Eagle
Shoes: Minnetonka Moccasins
Kimono: Francesca's Collection
Bracelet: Alex and Ani
Ring: Gift from my best friend